Legal Help Directory
If you are a victim of crime who lives in or has a civil legal (non-criminal) problem in New York State, our online directory can help you find information and assistance.
Victims of crime have the right to call 9-1-1 and report the crime to the police. You do not have to report the crime to be considered a crime victim or to use the tools on this online resource.
We cannot guarantee that lawyers in organizations that appear in your search result can represent you. But organizations that appear as a “Top Result” should, at least, help you find another organization or attorney who can assist you.
If you are a victim of crime in Alaska, California, Colorado, D.C., Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, or Texas, please visit the national victim legal assistance networks to find help in your state.
For victims of crime in the United States or from other countries, you can locate crime victim services through the federal Office for Victims of Crime Directory.