Are You a Victim of a Crime?
It is not always easy to know if you are a victim of a crime. If you are not sure if you have been a crime victim, call your local police and speak to an officer about the details of your situation. You can also contact a crime victim advocate near you. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Below is a checklist that may help you identify if you are a victim of certain crimes:
You may be a victim of Intimate Partner Violence or Family Violence or Elder Abuse if your partner, your former partner, or a family member:
- Makes you feel uncomfortable or afraid.
- Puts you down, humiliates you, or makes you feel worthless.
- Constantly checks-up on what you’re doing or where you are going so that you don’t feel like you have any freedom or privacy.
- Controls your money.
- Makes it difficult for you to get or keep a job.
- Stops you from seeing your friends or family.
- Stops you from getting the medical help you need.
- Is threatening or violent towards you or the children or your pets.
- Hurts you or scares you (by hitting, choking, throwing things, destroying things, locking you in, etc.).
- Threatens to hurt you, hurt others, or to kill themselves if you say you want to end the relationship.
You may be a victim of Stalking if someone:
- Is repeatedly following you or showing up wherever you are, and making you feel uncomfortable or afraid.
- Is repeatedly calling you, or sending you texts or emails, or posts on your social media accounts things that are harassing or make you feel uncomfortable.
- Has left you unwanted gifts, notes, or messages.
- Has damaged your car, home, or other belongings.
- Uses hidden cameras or GPS (global positioning systems) to track where you go.
- Has threatened to hurt you or someone you know.
You may be a victim of Human Trafficking if you:
- Are not free to leave your work or living space, or come and go as you wish.
- Are unpaid, paid very little, or only paid through tips.
- Are not allowed breaks, or forced to work extremely long hours.
- Owe your boss a large debt and are unable to pay it off.
- Were recruited through false promises about the type of work you would be doing, and/or the conditions you would be working in.
- Are under 18 and are paid to perform sexual acts.
- Are a sex worker and have a pimp/manager.
- Are not in control of your own money or possessions.
- Are not allowed to keep your own identification documents (like your passport or license).
You may be a victim of Identity Theft if:
- There are withdrawals from your bank account that you can’t explain.
- You don’t get your bills or other mail.
- There are charges for goods or services you didn’t buy on your credit/debit card statements.
- You receive statements for credit cards you didn’t open.
- There are errors or unfamiliar charges on your credit report.
- Your medical providers bill you for services you didn’t use.
- Debt collectors call you about debts that are not yours.
- The IRS notifies you that more than one tax return was filed in your name, or you have income from an employer you don’t work for.
Updated 3/7/23